

Francisco Cajade

What We Do

Surreal Engineering will design and construct the driveway of your dreams. 

Who We Are

We see diversity as our strength, and this has ensured that we've been a practice of choice for more than 10 years. Our team has a great wealth of experience and know that, despite the complexity of the construction process, there should be no mystery to the client.  We aim to make our designs as clear and easy to understand as possible.
We see diversity as our strength, and this has ensured that we've been a practice of choice for more than 10 years. Our team has a great wealth of experience and know that, despite the complexity of the construction process, there should be no mystery to the client.  We aim to make our designs as clear and easy to understand as possible.

We see diversity as our strength, and this has ensured that we've been a practice of choice for more than 10 years. Our team has a great wealth of experience and know that, despite the complexity of the construction process, there should be no mystery to the client.  We aim to make our designs as clear and easy to understand as possible.